# OpenAPI python generator

_OpenAPI python generator, a modern way to generate clients for OpenAPI 3.0.0+ APIs_


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Source: [https://github.com/MarcoMuellner/openapi-python-generator](https://github.com/MarcoMuellner/openapi-python-generator)

OpenAPI python generator is a modern way to generate clients for OpenAPI 3.0.0+ APIs. It provides a full Client, including pydantic models (providing type-safe data structures) and multiple supported frameworks.

The key features of the generator are:

  • __Ease of use__. Provide input, output and the library, and the generator will do the rest.

  • __Type safety and type hinting.__ __OpenAPI python generator__ makes heavy use of pydantic models to provide type-safe data structures.

  • __Support for multiple rest frameworks.__ __OpenAPI python generator__ currently supports the following:
  • __Async and sync code generation support__, depending on the framework. It will automatically create both for frameworks that support both.

  • __Easily extendable using Jinja2 templates__. The code is designed to be easily extendable and should support even more languages and frameworks in the future.

  • __Fully tested__. Every generated code is automatically tested against the OpenAPI spec and we have 100% coverage.

  • __Usage as CLI or as library__.

Interested? Hop over to our Quickstart page, if you don’t want to bother reading the docs, or if you just want to try it out. If you want to get a more in depth guide, check out our Tutorials page. If you are interested in the OpenAPI spec, go check out our OpenAPI Specification page.